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Are you open to take a mural commission?


Yes! I am always taking mural requests through out the year. Street art and mural's are one of my top priorities. I do all types of murals including window signage, sign painting, custom murals etc. Please feel free to contact me in the contact section of my website!


Are you interested in collaborating on a mural?


Depending on my schedule, but usually I am interested in accepting collaborations, please send me an email with info or the project/mural, the date, and photos/social media/or website (either of the 3 will do) of the artist making the inquiry to collab.


Do you take commissions?​


At the moment I am not open for commissions. I do have a waitlist, you can see my guidelines in my commissions section to be added to the waitlist to be contacted whenever I do reopen. 


Are you open to being interviewed on our blog/newspaper/magazine/podcast?



I'd be honored to be on your next blog/newspaper/magazine/podcast. Feel free to look at my press section on my site as well for any previous publishing's of Yher Arte. Please email me through the contact page. Thank you!



Would you like to participate in a gallery show?


Currently I am not accepting gallery showcasings at the moment. However I will be reopening in the near future. 



Can I get your artwork tattooed?


No. I do not give anyone permission to tattoo my artwork for the main reason that I am a tattooer myself. If you'd like to get my artwork tattooed please contact me to set up an appointment.:)


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